<div style="background-image: url('https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1JMsYsAsZAA3MvGkrolEaZF2JlvPVYcVE');
background-size: contain;
background-clip: padding-box;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-overlay: darken;">
<h2>You arrive at 138 Bradley Street.
It feels like home.
<h3>Welcome to the Bradley Street Bicycle Co-op</h3></div>
This is a special event, commemorating the end of a very long year. John and Kai can't wait to see you!
As you make your way through the Co-op this evening, there are a couple things to keep in mind for the best experience:
* **Treat each other well**, suspend your disbelief, and if you need, [[refresh yourself on the virtual party etiquette->BSBC Party Rules]]
* Whenever you enter a room with a chat link next to the title, **open it!**. It will open in another tab, and you should stay in the chatroom until you leave that room.
* You should also close that tab when you leave the room, and shouldn't save URLs, occupy more than one room at once, or 'teleport' between rooms.
Lastly, when it comes time, countdown to 2021 with us on the dance floor!
If you're ready-- [[Come inside -> Front Room]]
<audio src="https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-DxVngFsBWPeGizApGCj_s9w66nANRy_" autoplay><h2>**Party Etiquette**</h2>
<div style="border: 2px solid Indigo; padding: 1px; display:inline-block;">
Because this interface is different from interface of other parties, we need to change our expectations about what's polite and what isn't.
* Feel free to move between rooms without interrupting the flow of conversation to say goodbye!
* Communication is a little different here, so utilize your many options including chat, hand signals, thumbs-ups and waves!</li>
* In groups of 5 or more, be extra careful not to take up too much space.
* Text your friends just like in a real party, if you can't find anyone you know, it's okay to text or even call your friends to ask them where they are.
* Sometimes videochat conversations can make it difficult to stay engaged. It's better to partially occupy yourself with doodling, knitting, or fidgeting, rather than entirely distracting yourself with the other wonders of the internet. You can leave as you need and come back later. </li>
* **Suspend your disbelief and don't spoil the mystery for others: feel free to share hints with your fellow party-goers to help them explore, but don't ruin the surprise for them!**</div>
[[Got it! ->Entrance]] **front counter <a href="https://meet.jit.si/bsbcnyefrontroom2020" target="blank">Join the chatroom here </a>**
(if: visits is 1)[The door closes behind you. It's lit warmly by string lights, and you hear music playing over the sound system.
](else:)[You're back at the front counter. It's a little crowded up here, but gives you a great view of the party as a whole.]
People are cheering and (t8n-depart: "slide-left")+(t8n-arrive: "slide-left")[[dancing-> dance floor]]
Someone twirls and almost knocks down the extra-tall ladder leading up to [[the loft-> loft]]
You hear a few people shout from [[the lounge-> lounge]] as their giant jenga-tower collapses
The counter has been tidied and cleared except for a <a href="https://padlet.com/addaekai/xgo3njaui8faqk8h" target = "blank">guest book</a> and a <a href="https://bsbc.co/donate" target = "blank">tip jar</a>.
Behind the counter you notice a pile of coats, purses and helmets.
(if: $coatInPile is true )[ [[Retrieve your stuff-> take from coatpile]] ] (else:) [ [[Set your stuff down-> add to coatpile]] ]
[[Take a break outside -> parklet]]
[[Take photos at the bulletin board-> bulletin board]]**the lounge <a href ="https://meet.jit.si/bsbcnyepartytheloft2020" target=blank >join the chatroom here</a> **
As you climb up the questionably-stable ladder, the music from below fades away.
You can see a hint of the moon shining through the skylight, illuminating the party-goer turned musicians underneath.
Between the couches are a mess of cords and cables, and an instrument or two.
Your fellow music-lovers nod hello as they work on crafting a new piece. The roof is leaking a bit up here, but it's still a great place to jam with friends. <a target="_blank" href= "https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Shared-Piano/#SzznQkB6e"> Pick up an instrument and join in. </a>
[[You glance to the door and see one of your friends has just arrived. Head back down -> Front Room]]
[[You're feeling a bit thirsty, time to grab another drink-> fridge]]
[[Take a break from the noise downstairs -> karl's office]]**the dance floor - <a href="https://yalelibrary.zoom.us/j/96178735731" target ="blank">join the dance zoom</a>**
{(live: 0.5s)[
(either: "♫ ♩ ♬", "♪ ♫ ♩", "♩ ♪ ♫")
]} People are (if: visits > 1)[(either: "shimmying and ", "still ", "REALLY ")]boogying{(live: 0.5s)[
(either: "♫ ♩ ♬", "♪ ♫ ♩", "♩ ♪ ♫")
<img src="https://media0.giphy.com/media/idMzgmkppGtJmHHBaz/giphy.gif" height = 200/>
[[Back to the front -> Front Room]]
[[Grab a drink -> fridge]]
[[Cool off outside-> parklet]] **the lounge <a href ="https://meet.jit.si/bsbcnyepartygamenight2020" target=blank >join the chatroom here </a> **
An assortment of games lays between the couches. What do you want to play?
<li> <a href="https://netgames.io/games/codewords/" target=blank>Codewords</a>
<li> <a href="https://netgames.io/games/onu-werewolf/" target="blank">One Night Ultimate Werewolf</a>
<li> <a href="https://netgames.io/games/avalon/" target=blank>Avalon</a>
<li> <a href="https://netgames.io/games/spyfall/" target=blank>Spyfall</a>
<li> <a href="https://cosel.io/game/M12WBK" target=blank>Draw a Word (like pictionary)</a>
<li> <a href="https://qwiqwit.com/" target=blank> Alt Quiplash </a>
<i font-size = "14px;">You'll need to coordinate with other players to create and/or share code for the private room if one isn't already created.</i>
If you get tired of these games, check the <a href="https://moontowermeta.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Online-Board-Games.pdf" target=blank>back</a> for more
It also looks like Ben set up a server to play [[minecraft]] at the table in the very back.
[[Back to the front -> Front Room]]
[[Check out the storage room->backroom]]
[[Grab a drink from the fridge -> fridge]] **coatpile**
You unceremoniously throw your stuff on top of the teetering pile. (set: $coatInPile to true)
The pile shakes precariously, but doesn't fall just yet. A piece of paper slips off the windowsill, and floats gently to the ground-- (link-reveal: "a yellow sticky note")[
<div class ="handwritten">
<u>"138 -- don't forget" </u>
Wonder what this is for?]
[[Head back to the party-> Front Room]]
[[Grab a drink from the fridge -> fridge]]
[[Go to the batroom while there's no line -> batroom]]
(set: $coatInPile to false)
Wary from your last interaction with the pile, you cautiously withdraw your belongings from the unsteady heap.
As if shaken from within, the pile lurches rapidly, knocking over a beer left haphazardly on the windowsill, soaking the jackets of the other party-goers.
Well, at least you got your stuff back safely.
Head back to [[the party-> Front Room]]
[[Go to the batroom while there's no line -> batroom]]
**water fountain**
A simple metal water fountain sits in front of the door to the [[ batroom]] There's a gold eagle medallion on the front, and nothing else. The recycling bin stands next to it, with only a few beer cans laying crushed inside.
(link: "Take a drink")[<img src =https://media0.giphy.com/media/3o7TKCmTrQgDueHocM/giphy.gif>
Ahhh, so refreshing]
(t8n-depart: "slide-right")+(t8n-arrive: "slide-right")[[Back onto the dance floor -> dance floor]]
[[Back to the front -> Front Room]]
[[Look for snacks -> karl's office]]
<iframe width="0%" height="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/51618062&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=true&show_comments=false&show_user=false&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=false"></iframe>**the back room**
It doesn't seem like you were meant to be here, but it's oh-so tranquil.
We did so much this year. **You** did so much this year. This was a tough one, but we survived--*togethe*r. For some of us this was a year of hard-fought recovery, while some of us just barely hung on, riding the waves of chaos.
BSBC started the year with so many dreams and goals, and although a wrench (ha!) was thrown into our plans (*like the rest of the world*), we came out the other end looking alright.
We found new ways to spend time, to express ourselves, to connect, to engage our community, to nourish ourselves, and to rest.
On the best days <a href = "https://www.facebook.com/bsbc.co/posts/1642967409215253" target="blank">we saw friends</a>, <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PbAV1NFVPeOrRStPmEIV4J20GLdkIhHz19_3AHPLaYs/edit?usp=sharing" target="blank">explored new places</a>, <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/CFYb4VrpjE_/" target="blank">ate amazing Thai food</a>, and got our hands dirty trying to make our world just a little bit better. **We rode bikes, fixed a lotta bikes, and shared our love for bikes + community with the world.**
There's still an ocean of bikes back here, but as you look at each one you sense it has a purpose. The whole room seems to (text-style: "blur")[hum]. *Is that the heater or is there a bit more magic in the air tonight?*
**I think 2021 is going to be alright.**
As you turn to leave, you a see a (text-style: "fade-in-out")[glimmer] from the back corner
(t8n-depart: "flicker")[[check out the glimmer in the back ->backcorner]]
[[take a look at all the bikes in the showroom -> showroom]]
[[enough of this sappy stuff, back to the party-> Front Room]] **the mini fridge <a href="https://meet.jit.si/bsbcnyeminifridge2020" target="blank">Join the chatroom here </a>**
Looks like John got some new <a href= "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kBmF_qoes749cJES9D1cGk5AkuKMXXW_ADfoo_gLlm4/edit?usp=sharing" target="blank"> fridge magnets</a> -- maybe you should try your hand at making a poem.
* (link: "Mix a cocktail")[<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/17/3d/2c/173d2c8d3829fd7388274274e9ea8e51.gif" height="100"/>]
* (link: "Grab a beer")[<img src="https://media3.giphy.com/media/l0Iy2Q7a1Cw1gPMkw/giphy.gif" height ="100"/>]
* (link: "Pour a glass of wine")[<img src="https://media1.giphy.com/media/l1J9Aw6ARFZIpjlyU/giphy.gif" height="100"/>]
[[On second thought, maybe just some water -> water fountain]]
(t8n-depart: "slide-left")[[Now that you're refreshed, onto the dance floor -> dance floor]]
[[You can see a few people are jamming up in the loft -> loft]]
[[Check out Karl's office -> karl's office]] **back corner**
There's a shiny old ornament hanging off a pipe in the back here for no apparent reason. As you examine it, you notice that, behind a pile of 27" tires, is a small door. Moving the tires out of the way reveals a keypad.
It doesn't really make sense... the back of the building is right against the highway so this door * should * lead outside...
But you see light shining in from the other side.
**Where does this go?**
<table id="keypad">
<td>(link-repeat: "1")[(set: $keypress to 1)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "2")[(set: $keypress to 0)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "3")[\
(if: $keypress is 1)[(set: $keypress to 13)\
](else:)[(set: $keypress to 0)]]
<td>(link-repeat: "4")[(set: $keypress to 0)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "5")[(set: $keypress to 0)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "6")[(set: $keypress to 0)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "7")[(set: $keypress to 0)]</td>
<td>(link-repeat: "8")[\
(if: $keypress is 13)[(set: $keypress to 138)\
](else:)[(set: $keypress to 0)]]
<td>(link-repeat: "9")[(set: _keypress to 0)]</td>
(link-repeat: "Enter")[\
(if: $keypress is 138)[(t8n-depart: "rumble")(go-to: "Secretpassage")\
](else:)[(set: $keypress to 0)]]
[[Back to the party ->backroom]] ==><===
(css: "border: 2px solid magenta; padding: 3px; display:inline-block;")[**WELCOME TO THE BRADLEY STREET BUS CO-OP**]
(if: $frontRoomVisted is 0)[(set: $frontRoomVisted to 1) You enter a hallway. The door slams and locks behind you, causing the odd sign hanging from the ceiling to swing.](else:)[You're back in the hallway. The stupid-looking and obviously unstable Bus Coop sign is really starting to irritate you.]
Various doors lead down the hallway, and in-between the walls are lined with photos of.. busses?
<img class="center" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSeX7x8h1A08rOPEFAm1YO223OVwokSVc8lrg&usqp=CAU" height=100px>
(if: $red is true)+(link: "try the red door")[it's locked.](else:)[[red door->red door]]
(if: $green is true)+(link: "try the green door")[it's locked.](else:)[[green door->green door]]
(if: $yellow is true)+(link: "try the yellow door")[it's locked.](else:)[[yellow door->yellow door]]
(if: $blue is true)[..Didn't there used to be a blue door?](else:)[[blue door->blue door]]
<script src="https://gist.github.com/loudnarrative/2396206.js"></script>
(if: $blue is true and $green is true and $yellow is true and $red is true)[A [[gold door]] appears]
<script src="https://gist.github.com/loudnarrative/2396206.js"></script>
<audio src="https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1eURAW46DkB3e0lqRnkLdrHZYj-RnEjt0" autoplay>**Karl's office**
Karl's office is quiet and tidy. Looks like he's been working on some cool <a href="https://www.instagram.com/truecyclery/" target ="blank">projects</a>.
It looks like someone's started a <a href="https://jigex.com/JSPD" target="blank">jigsaw puzzle</a> in here..it's a weird place for it though.
(link: "Turn on the radio while you puzzle.")[
<iframe width="300" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5qap5aO4i9A?autoplay=1controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>]
[[head back out to the party -> Front Room]]
[[go outside -> parklet]]
[[peep into John's office -> john's office]]**john's office**
A framed picture of john stares back at you.
<img class="center" src="https://abradleynewyear.neocities.org/john.jpg" height=150px>
John's desk sits plainly against the nearest wall. One of the shelves is clearly labeled - <a href = "https://cookie-clicker.co/" target = "blank">**"John's Snax- DO NOT TOUCH"**</a>
On top of the desk lies an open journal. it looks like it might be <a href="https://rumblings.org/" target ="blank">John's diary.</a>
John's desktop computer is running. It looks like he left a <a href ="https://poesimulator.github.io/" target = "blank">game of POE up.</a>
[[Head back to Karl's office -> karl's office]]
[[Look in the back closet -> john's closet]]
[[Pop into the bathroom ->john's bathroom]]You find yourself in the **batroom**. It's quiet here.
The party rages on outside, but you take a breath and make eye contact with your reflection. (if: $look is "spooky")[You look good, fresh, //new//. As you stare into your eyes in the mirror, you see an echo of your shadow surrounding your shape. (text-style: "mirror")[*Made for you*] appears faintly on the mirror.](elseif: $look is "polaroid")[Oops, you still had that silly hat on from taking photos earlier. Hopefully not too many people saw.](elseif: $look is "hero")[Something looks different about you. Not sure if it's the swagger in your step or the glint in your eye. You look wiser, stronger, braver. Like you've stepped into the edges of other worlds and lived to tell the tale.](elseif: $look is "portal")[The mirror seems to ebb and swirl, almost as if it's melting. You almost feel like you can see another portal behind it, pulling you [[in-> leftdoor]] again... you're probably just imagining things.](elseif: $look is "resist")[You look good! Strong, confident, sure of yourself. *No otherworldy forces can tell you what to do-- you're in charge of your own destiny*.](elseif: $look is "curious")[You feel wildly curious about nuBSBC and the apparently intersecting dimensions. You feel a brightness withing you that wasn't there before, warm, pleasant, but certainly new.](else:)[Wow, you look really good tonight!]
Wait-- that's odd. There's a window behind you.
Turn around and look through the <a href="https://window-swap.com/window" target="blank"> window </a>
Someone knocks frantically on the door "Hurry up!".
[[Finish up and head back to the party -> Front Room]]
(t8n-depart: "slide-right")+(t8n-arrive: "slide-right")[[Back to the dance floor -> dance floor]] (text-style: "upside-down")[**tire room**]
There are a few carefully constructed bays filled with tires.
You pick up a tire from the..(cycling-link: bind $tire, "36 inch", "200c", "04/26/1993", "25 inch") bay
[[bring it back to Kai ->red door]]
**the roof <a href="https://meet.jit.si/bsbcnyeroof2020" target="blank"> - join the chat here</a>**
An extremely long ladder extends up to the roof, almost appearing like it's extending into the night sky itself. You hear the sounds of conversation drifting down from above, and decide to climb up to join them. You reach the top, and realize they're playing a version of 20 questions. <a href="https://www.datenightquestions.com/#holiday" target="blank"> Join in getting to know each other while looking at the stars above.</a>
It's pretty cold out here, but in the crisp night you get a good view of the night sky.
As you stare up into the sky, you start to <a href="https://www.pixelthoughts.co/#" target="blank">reflect</a> on the chaos of the past year.
[[Warm up inside -> karl's office]]
[[What's over at 140 Bradley? -> showroom]]
[[Check out Mulberry Jam -> parklet]]**Mulberry Jam**
<iframe src="https://gather.town/app/ZLZ01B5qZvo9RcK8/BSBC" height= "600" width="800" border:none;></iframe>
<a href="https://gather.town/app/ZLZ01B5qZvo9RcK8/BSBC" target ="blank">(or enter in a new tab here)</a>
[[What's up that ladder? ->roof]]
[[Back to nuBSBC -> Front Room]]
*Thank you Ethan for building this amazing park!***bulletin board**
There's a little pile of props + costumes, a cool <a href="https://webcamtoy.com/" target="blank">polaroid camera</a>, and people are posting their cutest pics on the corkboard.
<div class="padlet-embed" style="border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border-radius:2px;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:hidden;position:relative;width:100%;background:#F4F4F4"><p style="padding:0;margin:0"><iframe src="https://padlet.com/embed/orch6n3nqaf601vv" frameborder="0" allow="camera;microphone;geolocation" style="width:100%;height:608px;display:block;padding:0;margin:0"></iframe></p></div>
[[Back to the party -> Front Room]]
(set: $look to "polaroid")(text-style: "upside-down")[**tricycle co-op**]
(if: $redVisted is 0)[(set: $redVisted to 1)Kai is in here, working on a tire-less tricycle that looks pretty beat up. Her hands are full of parts, so she asks you to quickly grab a 26-inch tire.](elseif: $tire is "04/26/1993")[(set: $red to true)Kai is still in here, but now she looks at you in surprise.
"This is.. my birthday?... How did you find out? If you don't tell anyone, I'll let you head out [[early->Secretpassage]]"](else:)[Kai looks quite mad.
"This isn't a 26-inch tire, this is a $tire tire! Can you pretty PLEASE bring me a 26-inch tire??!"]
[[check the back-> tire room]]
A lone desk sits in the middle of an eerily bright room.
There's an empty bottle of mountain dew on the ground, and the air smells like cheese and capitalism. Almost inaudible, you hear vaporwave playing from an unknown source.
An old desktop (text-style: "rumble")[<a href="http://www.windows93.net/" target="blank">computer</a>] sits on the desk is on and hums magnetically.
**WARNING: this computer looks cursed**
The air feels oddly thin. You can't seem to catch your breath, but you feel inexplicably drawn to the old pc on the desk in front of you.
Something about the nostalgia it conjures is so alluring. You feel light-headed, but you keep walking forwards. (text-style: "blink")[*You see something.. or someone? out of the corner of your eye, but as soon as you turn your head it disappears*.]
(set: $green to true)
[[Get out of here ->Secretpassage]] **(text-style: "blurrier")[Home]**
(set: $blue to true)You open your eyes. You're back at home, in bed.
Your bedroom looks like it always has.
Your beautiful wife lays next to you.
(link: "Wait, is this your room? Is this your house?
How did you get here?")[<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/5IsSpAOD6K8?autoplay=1&controls=0&start=49" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[You must be dreaming. Close your eyes and wake yourself up.->Secretpassage]]]**john's closet**
Not much in here but some t-shirts and credits...
Created by Kai A, with help from:
* **Ethan R (for building an amazing parklet!)**
* Lorena M (for organizing the dance party)
* Rachel M (for organizing the dance party)
* Ben M (for playtesting and tech support)
* Billy V (for lots of inspiration!)
* John M (for support and ideas)
[[Back to the office -> john's office]]
(live: 3s)[[[Wait, is that door behind the box of sweatshirts? Where does that even go? -> secret tunnel]]]**john's bathroom**
Looks like John's started putting up affirmations on his mirror. Want to add a compliment?
<div style="border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border-radius:2px;box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;width:100%;background:#F4F4F4"><p style="padding:0;margin:0"><iframe src="https://padlet.com/embed/74oanvtmx8nszyoa" frameborder="0" allow="camera" style="width:100%;height:608px;overflow-y:autodisplay:block;padding:0;margin:0"></iframe></p></div>
[[Back to the office -> john's office]] **the showroom**
**wow.** Can you believe we fixed all these bikes in just a couple months. We literally sold out in September, and now the room is almost full again.
To be exact, we fixed 522 bikes this year and donated over 200 thanks to the help of our 130+ **AMAZING** volunteers (the most volunteers of any year in the history of the co-op).
**A VERY big shout-out to our top volunteers this year:
* Ben Midyette
* Andrew Suzuki
* Daniele Esposto
* Billy Valvo
* Alex Calderwood
* Joanne Murphy
* David Baldi
* Johnnie Dub
* Richard Krombel
* Eli Brown
* Connor Leahy
* Lester B McHolland
* Samantha
[[Is that music playing from upstairs? -> the stairwell]]
[[Head outside -> parklet]]
[[Back to the other side -> lounge]] **On the stairwell**
As you peek up the flight of stairs, the music starts to get louder. Bass, singing.. a flute?
You see sign at the top of the door **"Welcome"**, letting you know it's a-ok to head all the way up.
The stairs creak underneath you, almost in rhythm with the jamming coming from up above, making your way to the door.
[[Open the door -> the kitchen]]**behind john's closet**
The door is small, and you have to duck down onto your hands and knees to squeeze yourself in. It's oddly dark, and the light from the room doesn't seem to reach in here.
(live: 2s)[If you squint you can make out walls. It looks like some sort of tunnel?]
(live: 4s)[Once you make your way in you realize it's a *very* tight squeeze. You can't really turn around, only go forward.]
(live: 6s)[As your eyes fully adjust, you see that it extends for 10 feet or so and then forks into two passageways, each ending in a door.]
(live: 7s)[
[[Take the left door -> leftdoor]]
[[Take the right door -> rightdoor]]
[[Back your way out -> hole]]]**left door**
You enter and find yourself face to face with a...
**<a href="http://zoomquilt.org/" target="blank">Portal</a>**
You feel yourself being pulled in.
"(t8n-depart: 'dissolve')+(t8n-arrive: 'dissolve')[[Let yourself be swept away->roof]](set: $look to 'portal')",
"(t8n-depart: 'dissolve')+(t8n-arrive: 'dissolve')[[Let yourself be swept away->space]](set: $look to 'portal')",
"(t8n-depart: 'dissolve')+(t8n-arrive: 'dissolve')[[Let yourself be swept away-> water fountain]](set: $look to 'portal')")
<div class="spooky">(t8n-depart: "rumble")+(t8n-arrive: "rumble")[[Resist!-> falling]](set: $look to "resist")</div>
**behind john's closet**(set: $look to "spooky")
As you begin to back your way out, you notice a human shaped hole in the wall next to your.
Why does it look so familiar? How did it get here? It doesn't look natural or manmade. The lines are too smooth, too precise.
As your eyes follow the outline, you realize(live: 2s)[.](live: 2.5s)[ . ] (live: 3s)[ .]
(live: 4s)[<a href="https://imgur.com/gallery/Wht7z" target ="blank">**It was made for you**</a>
The hole calls to **you**. You know you must enter, it's exactly your shape. It's for you... It's yours...
(t8n-depart: "shudder")[[Enter the hole -> falling]]]You find yourself in the dark, falling...
(live: 1s)[falling]
(live: 2s)[falling]
(live: 3s)[falling]
(live: 4s)[d]
(live: 4.5s)[o]
(live: 5s)[w]
(live: 5.5s)[n]
(live: 7s)[
You black out. You awaken in small musty room. The shelves are covered in what looks like electrician's tools and parts. There's a metal ladder leading up to a grate. It sounds like there's quite a few people above you.
[[Climb up -> Front Room]]
]**the kitchen** <a href="https://tlk.io/bsbcnyekitchn" target="blank">join the chat here</a>
Looks like Paul and friends are *jamming* up here. (live: 0.5s)[ (either: "♫ ♩ ♫ ", "♪ ♫ ♪ ","♩ ♩ ♩")]
<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zm7yDhapC2gRQpTedUaxO0KK_4cGHMuy/preview" style="border:none;" height="450" width ="700"></iframe>
[[Head back downstairs -> showroom]]
[[You hear footsteps coming from above ->roof]] **Bardly Avenue Unicycle Collective**
It looks like the showroom, but it's filled with unicycles instead of bikes. You see John standing by the desk, chatting on the phone.
As you get nearer you see that he's wearing a uniform with a nametag... "Jack Martino".
*"I said sell low and buy high! I'm not trying to make money here, I'm trying to move money!"* he shouts into his vintage Nokia.
He sees you, gestures for you to come closer, and scrawls something out on a nearby notepad.
<div class = "handwritten">
Pump up 3 of unis for me?
Clown-School donation in 10 minutes
You look at Jack, and he points to 3 neon unicycles set aside and labelled "FOR CLOWN SCHOOL", next to a comically large floor pump. *Is that for the school too? *
You shrug, and make your way over. Two of the unicycles are fine, but the last one is very flat. You attach the pump and check the gauge-
**|PR>[$pressure] psi** (link-repeat: "Pump")[{
(unless: $tube is "bad")[
(put: $pressure + (either: 5,10,15,20) into $pressure)
(if: $pressure > 40 AND < 60)[(replace:?result)[(display: "good")]]
(else-if: $pressure >=60)[(replace:?result)[(display:"explodes")]]]}]
<div class ="fun">
**right door**(set: $look to "curious")
You find yourself in an awfully long hall surrounded by many doors. You try to open them, but it seems that they are all locked.
In the middle of the room stands a little glass table with a small golden key on it. Which would be useful if even *one* of these doors had a keyhole, but they don't.
You then discover (mouseover:"wooden door")[(behind a low curtain you had not seen before) ]a teensy wooden door. Using the key, you unlock the door to discover a beautiful garden, but you're much too big to fit through this door as-is.
Looking back at the table, you see a glass bottle, with a paper label saying **DRINK ME**, has magically appeared on it.
*You wonder if it's really alright to drink from the bottle *(mouseover: "bottle")+(text-style:"subscript") [*drink me, really!*]
(link: "Drink the bottle")[You drink down the liquid, sweet and sticky, and find yourself ^^shrinking^^ (text-style: "subscript")[down.] You must be only ten inches high- the **exact** right size to get through that little door!
(link: "Open the door")[Shoot. It's locked... and the key is up on the table, out of reach.
You walk over to the table, and try to climb up one of the legs, but it's very slippery and of no use. You're stuck. Far beneath the table and the key.
Wait.. out of the corner of your eye, you notice a (link-reveal: "small glass box.")[
Inside the box is a small cake, with the words **EAT ME** marked on it in currants.(mouseover: "cake")+(text-style: "subscript") [*eat me, it's fine!*]
You figure it can't get worse. If you get bigger, you can get the key, and if you get smaller, maybe you can creep under the little door.
(link: "Eat the cake")[Nothing seems to happen. You're quite surprised to find that you've stayed the same size *(Usually, this generally happens when one eats cake).*
But you had started to get used to curious and unexpected things to happen to you here in **nuBSBC**. It seems pretty dull and stupid for life to go on the common way.
And so you eat every last bit of the **EAT ME** cake.
(live: 5s)[Suddenly, you feel yourself changing again.
Growing? Shrinking?
Definitely ^^shrinking^^, you must only 7...6..5 inches tall now. You start to run towards the door, still feeling yourself ^^shortening.^^
You're *almost* there, but with each passing second you're even ^^smaller^^, and the distance left between you and the door feels further and further away*(this is all relative, of course)*
[[Run! Faster! Under the crack of the door -> parklet]]]
<audio src="https://www.albinoblacksheep.com/audio/mp3/Alice.mp3" autoplay/>
You find yourself floating in <div style="font-size:40px;">**Outer Space**</div>
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/35/64/26/3564260fce477bedd349f607b29a164f.gif" height ="300"/>
How the heck did you get here from the Co-op??
<a href="https://lab.nstmf.org/gravity" target="blank">Planets</a> whirl around you. Stars shoot across the sky, flare up and extinguish around you. Time seems to move so slowly and so quickly here.
You encounter a (link: "strange being up here")[strange being-- bright blue with glowing white eyes, and the atomic symbol for hydrogen on his forehead.]
They speak to you of <a href="https://slatestarcodex.com/2015/04/21/universal-love-said-the-cactus-person/" target="blank">universal love & transcendent joy</a>, of thermodynamic miracles & <a href="https://neal.fun/universe-forecast/" target="blank">the future.</a>
(link: "Ask him what he means")[He encourages you to take some time with him to really ponder the meaning of your life in this universe. To interrogate what it means to be alive and kicking in 2020, what success looks like in a year of turmoil...
* What are your highest hopes for next year?
(link: "Answer")[ (prompt: "Looking back a year from now, where do you wish to be in your life?","")]
* What parts of yourself are you scared of?
(link: "Answer")[ (prompt: "Acknowledge the pieces of yourself you struggle with","")]
* What was your greatest triumph this year?
(link: "Answer")[ (prompt: "Celebrate a triumph, a success","")]
* **How can you you continue to be the best you you can be? For your friends, your family, and yourself? **
(link: "Answer")[ (prompt: "Name a commitment to improve","")]
>> **What does it mean to live a truly GOOD life?**
Eventually, after hours, days, or minutes, it's time to part ways, but he offers you a <a href="https://abradleynewyear.neocities.org/YearCompass-2020-2021.pdf">blank tome</a> to help you reflect more deeply in the days ahead.
[[You gently thank the man, and find your way back-> the street]]]
<iframe width="0" height="0" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/W3jYrk8JpPE?autoplay=1&controls=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>**Ben's Minecraft hang - <a href="https://discord.gg/uXCdseF6gB" target="blank">Chat together on discord here. </a> **
<a href = "https://classic.minecraft.net/?join=kRFd-kTIgddowaQm" target ="blank">Join Ben's world on Minecraft</a>
*If the link breaks, create a new one and share in the discord*
(t8n-depart: "slide-right")+(t8n-arrive: "slide-right")[[Time to shake that booty -> dance floor]]
[[Head back to the lounge -> lounge]]
[[Did someone call your name from the back room? ->backroom]] **You find yourself at the corner of Bradley and State Street.**
The air is crisp, fresh and invigorating.
You guess it's time to get back to the party. And maybe be a little more careful about poking around weird doors in the Co-op... who knows what you'll find next?
[[Voices drift from the parklet-> parklet]]
[[Warm up inside -> Front Room]]
<audio src="https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1-DxVngFsBWPeGizApGCj_s9w66nANRy_" autoplay>**BAM!** The tire explodes.
(link: "Grab a new tube")[
(set: $tube to "good")(set: $pressure to 0)(replace:?PR)[$pressure](replace:?result)[]]
Seems good enough. You unhook the pump and give Jack a thumbs up. He nods his head towards the storage room, and mimes for you to grab *something* from the back.
You see a clown car pull up, and clown after clown piles out of the car, and begin to juggle and unicycle on the sidewalk.
[[Check the back for Jack->Secretpassage]]
[[Ignore Jack and watch the clown show outside.-> rightdoor]]
(set: $yellow to true)=><==
(set: $look to "hero")
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/35/fc/3335fc4ca5010391a5a770ddfc1c6804.gif" height ="300"/>
(event: when time > 3s)[(go-to: "space")(t8n-arrive: "pulse")]][[Countdown to 2021 on the dancefloor!!! -> dance floor]]